Saturday, November 2, 2013

A current thought on harm reduction

 Harm reduction was a term coined in response to diseases and maladies encountered by homosexual men and by intravenous drug users in the face of the tremendous onset of the AIDS epidemic in the late 80s.  Clean needles and condoms were seen as a way to offset the worst effects of a public health crisis until an actual cure or remedy for the diseases that were killing people was found. 

Since then the term ‘harm reduction’ has been bastardized by the tobacco industry as not a way to reduce harm until a remedy for tobacco related disease is found but a way to perpetuate tobacco industry profit under the guise of public health.  This is so very evident after we see that the same arguments for the ‘harm reduction’ of spit tobacco are the same used for the novelty of electronic nicotine delivery.  There is disease related to intravenous drug use and some sexual behaviors.  There is disease related to tobacco use.  One use of the term ‘harm reduction’ wants to find a remedy for disease.  The latter uses the term as a means of continuing tobacco industry profit.  The crux is that there may be a human inclination toward intoxication and certain sexual behaviors but that does not necessarily include nicotine.

Focusing public health efforts on safe sex and clean needles responds to modified and alternative behaviors as remedial. Focusing efforts on changing nicotine delivery responds to alternative nicotine delivery as the remedy.  The first is a public health strategy. The latter is a marketing strategy.  As the multinational tobacco corporations ease their way into electronic cigarettes we see more and more of the same arguments for ignoring actual data concerning dual use and disease.  Electronic nicotine provides no significant pubic health benefit.

One must look closely to see the tobacco industry’s subtle diversion of blame and rights with harm reduction. The original use of the term regarding drug use and sexual behavior wants to see individuals change their behavior.  The tobacco industry wants to see harm reduction confuse behavior with a choice of nicotine delivery. 

The tobacco industry is not concerned with rights, but profit.

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