Life was so simple when the only thing tobacco free advocates had to deal with were the petty interpersonal politics of unqualified bureaucrats and ill educated political sycophants accidentally undermining challenges to the tobacco industry. This was infuriating when we imagined we were all on the same side. Over a decade of advocacy makes me a novice compared to many. But what sincere tobacco free advocates are dealing with today in Arkansas is completely new. We were alarmed that tea bagger conservatives had taken over the ledge in the last session. But, and I count myself among the naive, we had no idea what having a pro tobacco executive could do to evidence based tobacco prevention.
We see what little regard this legislative and executive body has for human rights re education, race, women's rights, and LGBT issues. Why did we imagine that tobacco control might actually fly under the radar? Hell, I was just hoping.
Thus far the damage has been minimal but what I hear from the periphery of tobacco free advocacy near the Arkansas Department of Health is that actual tobacco free policy change is strictly verboten within the bureaucratic and financial arms of this administration’s Arkansas Department of Health. If you smell something rotten in Denmark, he said being sophomoric and cute, it is tobacco smoke.
I had great hopes that Mr. Hutchinson’s pro tobacco tenure would be tempered by his defeat in the Senate race years ago. As if the accusations of being big tobacco’s pawn would humble or at least slow down pro tobacco advocacy as Governor today. Apparently that was just wrong as shit. I say this watching the obviously tobacco industry bill (SB978) dealing with Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems sailing through the bowels of the legislature. Egregious as the language is in the bill, the most offensive note is an amendment by Central Arkansas’ Douglas House that preempts any local control for stronger pubic health efforts. Challenging preemption is Tobacco Free 101.
And if that wasn’t bad enough, the Arkansas Department of Health’s Tobacco Prevention Cessation Program is cricket silent about a bill that can detract from decades of tobacco free efforts and hinder decades more. The few people that will actually talk to me tell me that ADH not only does not oppose the bill they ask that TPCP grantees essentially shut the fuck up. Just pretend we are all back in Kansas. Of course, that’s a bad analogy too.
I do not know many more people in tobacco prevention that I respect more than TPCP’s medical authority, Dr. Gary Wheeler. And I know this gentleman must be grappling with his conscience now. The potential bargains pressed upon sincere public health advocates to surrender tobacco free challenges scare the hell out of me for things to come.
The visigoths are upon the gates. Save your sword for one last self inflicted wound.
SB978 was written by the nicotine industry. If I’m not around, please someone document these crimes. Thanks.